As a gang member, there are particular terms you will have to get yourself familiar with to communicate well with your fellow gang members. It is called slang (informal) or jargon (formal). You have to understand these words and what they represent to use them appropriately and know their functions. As a dodo team/gang member, you should know all the dodo terms to understand their uses and meaning. With this knowledge, you can also preach the gospel to other potential converts. We are currently aiming to recruit more members into our gang, and fully educating new and existing members to understand these recurrent terms enabling communication of correct information. These terms are recurrent and you will likely hear them every time someone talks about the app or uses it.
Dodo account number
Your dodo account number also refers to your phone number. It is relevant when sending money from a dodo account to a dodo account. The sender and receiver have to have the dodo app to send money via phone number. Nonetheless, the phone number feature is not just limited to numbers registered with dodopay. You can send money to non-registered numbers, but it will require them to download the app and register to access their money. If you want to surprise your loved ones, and you don’t know their account number, consider using dodopay.

Referral code
The referral code is an individual unique code that you can use to make little cash on the side. With your referral code, you can refer people on the app. All it takes is for someone to put in your referral code, and you get 250 instantly.

Cash rewards
Cash rewards are the total accumulation of your referral bonus (from referring people) and cashback (from spending on the app). Your cash rewards increase by N250 anytime you refer someone on the app. It also increases through cashback by getting 2% of any amount you spend on the app. You can withdraw your cash rewards only when it reaches N5000.

Referral bonus
This is a bonus you get when you refer people on the app. It is to encourage members who go the extra mile to convince people to download the app. The referral bonus is N250 and increases as the number of people you refer increases.

Cashback is the money you get back every time you spend on the app at no extra cost. Dodopay rewards you for spending on the app with 2% cashback. There are no hidden charges attached to any bill payment done on the app.

Virtual bank account
This is a bank account that is given to you upon verification. It is linked to an individual’s dodo account such that when money is transferred to the bank account, it reflects on the dodo account. Your virtual bank account is applicable when you intend to receive money externally in your dodo account. You can find your virtual account under the pay with bank transfer option.

Dodopay offers a saving feature that encourages saving and discipline with high incentives. Savers get 22% interest at the end of the year on the total money kept so far. Various savings can run concurrently, and interests yield individually on each one.

Sign-up bonus
Users automatically receive a bonus when they sign up on the app. Sign up bonus is N500, although, cannot be cashed out as it’s part of cash rewards. You can cash out rewards when it’s up to N5000.

Zero fees lifestyle
Dodopay offers you a lifestyle free of hidden charges. You can perform transactions on the app at zero fees. Make in-app transfers from a dodo to dodo account, and pay bills free of charge. The zero fees lifestyle makes sure you don’t have to worry about funny charges or hidden fees.

Secret word
Upon signing up, you are required to put in a secret word. This secret word is very important as it is the only way to change your passcode or recover your account. It is pertinent to choose a secret word you can remember, and nobody knows too. Once a wrong secret word is submitted, your dodo account will be suspended automatically.

Now you know some common terms on the dodo app and you fully understand them. Tell your friends about the app and spread the gospel. Dodopay is here to stay. Visit the dodopay website to download the app.